Facelift or Ultherapy, Which is Best?

Before and After Facelift
*Results may vary
The choices for facial rejuvenation for San Francisco Bay Area patients are many. With new technology comes new terminology, which can lead to confusion for many potential facelift patients.
There are surgical solutions and non-surgical solutions, how is a patient to know which is best for them?
The first step would be to find a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon that specializes in facial rejuvenation. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons can help you find a surgeon in your area. During the consultation, there are several things that the surgeon will want to know from you, for example:
• What is your goal? Do you want a dramatic result that will turn the clock back 10 years or more? Do you want something more subtle so that no one can be sure that you have had anything done but that you look refreshed?
• Does your lifestyle allow you recovery time of 2+ weeks?
• How long does your home or work schedule allow you time out for healing?
• Do you have financial limitations that need to be considered?
Answers to these questions and more will help your surgeon give you the most beneficial options.
There has been a lot of advertising for various facial techniques showing amazing results, with the ads claiming a facelift can be done in an hour, or on your lunchtime. Remember if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
There are various non-surgical skin tightening procedures that claim to get the same result as the surgical facelift version, this is not possible. With surgery, you have tightening of the underlying muscles that give support for years. This is not to say that some of the skin tightening procedures don’t have value; they do.
Dr. Delgado has done a lot of research on the various non-surgical facelift procedures and feels that Ultherapy offers the best results for his patients. Ultherapy is an ultrasound treatment that will stimulate new collagen growth, which will tighten the skin gradually over several weeks’ time. This is an excellent treatment for the patient that wants a more subtle improvement and can’t afford the downtime that surgery requires.

For the modern facelift, you do not want a surgeon who takes shortcuts. For a regular full facelift; which may include a brow lift and an eye lift, plan on several hours of surgery. Recovery will be at least two weeks for the ultimate result.