Did you know that up to 60% of men have “man boobs”?
September 25, 2017
Caused by a hormone imbalance–gynecomastia, or man boobs–is a condition that affects both adolescent and adult males. What cause men to have excess breast tissue growth? According to leading gynecomastia expert Dr. Miguel Delgado in San Francisco, gynecomastia can occur for a number of reasons: puberty, steroid use, and excess fat (a condition called pseudo-gynecomastia). Fortunately, men who suffer from gynecomastia can have treatment options. Male breast reduction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that can remove unwanted breast tissue and create a more appealing chest. For those with pseudo-gynecomastia fat pockets, liposuction can reduce the size of the breasts. The cost of gynecomastia surgery will depend on the individual case, but it usually ranges from $8,500-$12,000.