Will My Gynecomastia Flatten without Surgery?
Have you ever heard the term “man boobs” to describe the appearance of a man’s chest? This condition is actually called gynecomastia and can cause enlarged breasts in men. Thankfully, there are treatment solutions to effectively correct this issue, resulting in a flatter chest. Read on to learn more about gynecomastia, its causes, and if it is possible for it to resolve on its own.
What Causes Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a condition that results in enlarged breasts in males. It can first present after infancy, during puberty, or as a man encounters different changes in his body. Overall, there are many possible causes of gynecomastia, including natural hormone changes, certain medications, recreational drugs, illicit drugs, alcohol, or certain health conditions that affect the balance of hormones.
Will Gynecomastia Go Away on Its Own?
Many patients ask if it is possible for their gynecomastia to go away naturally. For some boys, gynecomastia may go away after puberty. However, for most males, gynecomastia does not go away naturally. In these cases, surgery is the only solution.
Gynecomastia Surgery
Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction surgery, involves the removal of breast glands combined with liposuction of the chest. Dr. Delgado uses a minimal incision technique to create a more sculpted, masculine-looking chest for his patients.
There are various gynecomastia surgery techniques that can be used, including the standard technique and the pull-through technique. The standard technique is ideal for individuals with grade 1 or 2 gynecomastia symptoms. Liposuction will be performed through a small incision in the breast fold, areola, or armpit to reduce the fat content in the chest. An incision is then made on the bottom half of the areola and glandular and fatty tissue are removed.
The pull-through technique is usually recommended for men with grade 1 gynecomastia symptoms. This technique requires a small incision made on the lower edge of the areola. Liposuction is used to contour the chest, and a special instrument is used to pull breast tissue out through the incision.
There are also treatments to address men with gynecomastia and excess skin.
Choose Dr. Delgado for Gynecomastia Surgery
Dr. Delgado is a world-renowned Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, and a recognized expert in the field of gynecomastia surgical procedures. In 1986, Dr. Delgado founded Gynecomastia.org — the largest international forum providing unprecedented resources about gynecomastia treatments and surgical options. With over 30 years of experience treating gynecomastia patients, you can be sure that you are in good hands with Dr. Delgado.
Schedule a Consultation
If you are interested in learning more about gynecomastia or if you wish to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Delgado, contact our office today. We will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.