A brow lift is a surgical technique that elevates the entire forehead, eyebrows, and redundant skin around the crow’s feet areas. It also lifts the skin above the eyelids. This opens the upper eyelids in a beautiful way and eliminates any heaviness caused by a sagging brow. This popular procedure has a high rate of patient satisfaction.
Surgical treatment of the eyebrow and forehead region has steadily progressed over the years. One of the most significant advancements is the use of an endoscope—a flexible instrument containing a tiny camera and light. During surgery, an endoscope can be inserted through small incisions to capture imagery of the forehead anatomy beneath the skin and broadcast it onto a chairside monitor, allowing for the brow lift to be performed minimally invasively. In contrast, the traditional “open” coronal brow lift technique involves a longer incision spanning from ear to ear just beneath the hairline. While this method was the standard for many years—and is still indicated in some instances, such as when shortening of an overly tall forehead is desired—some potential issues include more conspicuous scarring, loss of hair, and nerve impairment. The endoscopic approach largely avoids these problems while achieving virtually identical results.